Observer system redux 108
Observer system redux 108

observer system redux 108

Although they continued earlier concerns with reducing infectious diseases and child mortality, a novel feature of the SDGs was Target 3.8:Īchieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all. 1 Comprising numerous social, economic, and environmental policy objectives, these followed the Millennium Development Goals of 2000 through 2015, in which public health targets had figured prominently. In September 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were announced at a summit of the United Nations in New York. We conclude with reflections on how these findings might help us in thinking about the challenges of advancing UHC today. We then show how UHC goals became marginalized, through the opposition of employers and organized medicine, and of certain nation states, both rich and poor.

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Our analysis first explains the consolidation of ideas about social security and health care, tracing transnational policy linkages among experts whose world view transcended narrow loyalties. However, by 1952 these efforts had failed, and the final convention was so diluted that universalism was unobtainable. After World War II, the ILO attempted to enshrine this in an international convention, which nation states would ratify. Its focus is the efforts of the International Labor Organization (ILO), whose Philadelphia Declaration (1944) announced the goal of universal social security, including medical coverage and care. Can understanding the past illuminate the prospects for UHC in the present? This article traces an earlier history of UHC as an objective of international health politics.

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals of 2015 have restored universal health coverage (UHC) to prominence in the international health agenda.

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